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Golden Reasons to Utah Retirement Community Encourage Wellness Programs

Regular exercise is important throughout the course of our lifetime and yet as we age, many of us gradually become less active. And this has a huge effect on our physical health and wellbeing.

Utah Retirement Community

As we enter the golden years, shortness of breath gets higher, gaining weight is common and physical balance gets weaker.

Elderly people who remain active and physically fit benefit from a reduced risk of conditions like heart disease, strokes, etc. Stronger muscles, joints, and bones also help to increase mobility and independence.

This is the reason, at Summerfield Retirement; our solutions are designed for wellness rather than illness care.

Here are 6 golden reasons why we focus on wellness programs for our residents:

Long life:

Even gentle, regular exercise like walking can increase lifespan. Did you know a sedentary lifestyle is known as one of the 10 leading causes of death and disability?

Fall prevention

Our Utah retirement community wellness programs are designed to improve muscle strength and bone density, thereby helping in reducing the risk of falls and improving balance.

Reduce the risk of strokes or heart attack

Moderate intensive exercise will cause your heart rate to accelerate slightly and your blood is pumped more quickly. These exercises increase the heart rate, keep the cholesterol levels in check and help to reduce the risk of heart attacks and strokes.

Utah retirement community


Exercise also seems to coincide with a lower risk of cognitive decline. Getting off the couch regularly can, therefore, help to delay the development of forgetfulness and dementia.

Prevent or delay disease

Utah retirement community wellness program has another advantage; it reduces the risk of various diseases including diabetes and depression.

Creates a social link

Elders who are more connected to their communities fall ill less often as they feel the comfort of belonging and companionship. Elders participating in our wellness programs develop social networks that help them combat the feeling of isolation and low self-value that often arise in old age.

But fret not; we do take into consideration your physical condition before starting any wellness program for you. We even seek advice from your medical practitioner in order to verify if the activity is adapted to your health conditions.

For more information on how to stay active and have the company of like-minded people at a Utah retirement community, contacts our Summerfield Retirement team today.

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